
Showing posts from October, 2011

Paranormal Activity Theory

The demon is actually the tooth fairy. The kid loses a tooth at the start of PA3 and we never see it go under a pillow. The demon then turns up looking for the tooth but instead of just giving it up the family spend the rest of their lives running from it. I bet it would all stop of they would just leave a tooth under a pillow for the guy.

The Human Centipede 2 Review

Wow, I really need to get around to writing another 'what I've been watching' post. The list is 11 films and growing. In the meant time I'll knock together a review of The Human Centipede 2 while it's fresh in my mind. Written and directed by Tom Six, Dutch film-maker and creator of the series: The Human Centipede 2 takes place in a world where the first exists as a fictional movie and we follow the protagonist/villain 'Martin' who has fetishized the idea of a human centipede and begins gathering victims to create his own, twelve person abomination. The first thing to note about this film is that it is not simply 'pointless shock value' or 'sick for the sake of being sick', I perceive a very clear message to this film. By having the main character inspired by the first movie, Six is pointing out the absurdity of someone carrying out such crimes because they saw a horror movie as suggested by some of that film's detractors while simul...