What I've Been Watching 15-5-2011

Lots of stuff to get through so let's get to it!

- Action/CG clunky.
- Performances way OTT but mostly good.
- Visually luscious.
- Tough to follow for a Thor newbie.
- Average.

Playing Columbine
- Fascinating look at controversial video games and the 'are games art?' question.

- Great action.
- Great score.
- Fun performances playing on the fairytale theme.
- One or two of the characters annoying as all hell.

Portal 2
- Not a movie but incredible nonetheless.
- Great story, characters and acting.
- Challenging puzzles with great 'aha!' moments.
- The ending is like a (figurative) layer-cake. With each successive layer being sweeter and more surprising than the last.

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
- This film is very close to my heart
- Criminally underrated
- Hilarious
- Bizarre
- Touching
- Visually sumptuous

Priest 3D
- Pretty 'meh' vampire movie
- Post-apocalyptic western styling quite good
- Everything else quite bad

- Fun superhero/teen comedy stuff here
- Some of the plot lines excellent
- Some just terrible (I'm looking at you GTA episode and human-gorilla episode)
- Great dialogue
- Stylishly put together

Pirates of the Caribbean 2
- There's a lot to love about this movie
- Great action
- Great comedy
- Truly badass villain
- One or two cringe-worthy moments but a fun romp on the whole, Pirates 3 however...

Pirates of the Caribbean 3
- Slow
- Dull
- Johnny Depp's shtick wears thin by the end
- Where is the fun?
-On the positive side it has some good existential angst, and some really odd scenes that I enjoy for being so unique

- Not as funny as Borat
- Still pretty funny though
- Some good satire of celebrity culture and the hunger for fame


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