What I've Been Watching 14-08-11

It's been a while, gang. Let's do some quick reviews. I'll try to keep them to one sentence because I have a short attention span.

Horrible Bosses
'King of Kong' director does good comedy, good chemistry between the main cast and the titular bosses are hilarious.

The Devil's Double
I like Dominic Cooper but his performances here were weak, rest of the cast also a bit crap, poor showing overall.

Captain America
Middle of the road Marvel movie, nothing to write home about, some of the CG was pretty shonky.

Harry Potter 7(b)
Some deliciously OTT performances (Snape and Voldy) and some good, dark imagery, one of the better entries in the series.

Transformers 3
Say what you will; Bay can direct a thrilling action sequence, vapid pornography but I wallowed in it gladly.

Super 8
A fantastic nostalgia trip, 'ET' meets 'Aliens' with a dash of 'The Goonies' thrown in for good measure.

Bad Teacher
Not as -bad- as the trailer would suggest, passably affable.

Green Lantern
'Casino Royal' director makes a misstep, outlandish doesn't equal interesting.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Surreal but highly entertaining with great action and pathos, human characters all pretty one dimensional though.


  1. Must either get a tablet or use my laptop, I just last last comment trying to do it all on my phone (which is pretty good for a phone, but it needs to ne a bit bigger!) Your blog like react good, and I think its really good the way you can encapsulated gthe movie in one sentence. I think I'll give Super 8 a try, but I WAN't bother with the others.


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