What I've Been Watching 07-12-11

A few months since I've done one of these so let's get to it. I've got a lot to get through.

Happy Feet 2
I was reminded watching this film as to why I quite enjoyed the first Happy Feet. It's just so bizarre, nonsensical and unlike anything else out there that you can't help but smile and the funny dancing penguins. Add to that incredible visuals and two 'krill' characters that only seem to exist to make crustacean-based puns and you're on to a winner.

In Time
A thought provoking concept with some great world building. Some of the visuals were excellent but some were distractingly bad (the car crash). The relationship between the two leads went in an unexpected direction too. Passably entertaining on the whole.

Possibly the first 'horror' film to ever cause me to modify my behaviour in day to day life. Little by way of character development, the film seems to be designed to show as realistically as possible what would happen if a deadly epidemic was to occur and it excels at that. Gripping. Great music too.

Great Errol Morris doc about a true story that is stranger than any fictitious one you care to name.

The 'cancer comedy'. Brings the laughs and the tears in equal measure. A sharp, heartfelt script performed ably by Joseph Gordon Levitt.

Tower Heist
A return to form for Eddie Murphy, thankfully, because everyone else in this film is pretty forgettable. Not horrible but not exceptional, stick to the Ocean's Eleven films for caper-comedy.

Paranormal Activity 3
Certainly the best of the series so far. I find these films tense and unnerving but if they annoy you then this won't sway your opinion. Great performances from the kids and some incredibly spooky moments.

The People Vs. George Lucas
Doc exploring the love triangle between George Lucas, his fans and the Star Wars hexalogy. Ultimately takes too long to make it's points and it's hard to feel sympathy for the self-entitled 'fans' that are featured. Apparently the makers of this doc stiffed the artist who worked on the DVD cover but that's another story.

Tin Tin
Again, Andy Serkis turns in a great performance unfortunately for a film that's not really funny enough and not really thrilling enough. A shame considering the immense talent involved. Somehow I think the motion captured format left the action feeling too fake to get me truly invested, though it did allow for some spectacular visuals at times.

My Soul To Take
A film so bad you have to wonder if it isn't an elaborate prank on us all by Wes Craven. How he managed to see this film and think 'yep, that'll do' is beyond me. Hilarious in a so-bad-it's-good, Troll 2, The Room, Plan 9 From Outer Space kind of way.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Taught spy drama. You can't really call it a thriller because it's so slow. I was never bored though, constantly having to filter all the information being thrown at me. There was a BBC series based on the same novel and I can see that it would have benefited from a bit more breathing room. Excellent performances all round.

Forget Tarantino and Rodriguez, this is a true modern-day 'grindhouse' picture. An exploration of human relationships through the prism of existential malaise, punctuated by moments of extreme tension and violence. Brilliant soundtrack, brilliant performances, brilliant film.

Filmed over course of decades this film documents the bare-knuckle boxing matches that take place between two rival families of travellers. Incredibly intimate and fascinating portrait of a little known practice. Feels a little hypocritical towards the end then the director questions the ethics of bare-knuckle boxing after having shown us 90 minutes of footage of it.

Real Steel
The fighting robots was done well but I didn't really buy the relationships between Hugh Jackman's character and his son/girlfriend. Fine for a kids film but not enough substance to keep adults interested.

We Need To Talk About Kevin
Heartbreaking portrait of the mother of a psychopathic killer. Extremely thought-provoking and unique in concept. Unfortunately I thought the most interesting characters were ignored in favour of the mother who was quite boring. Some of the symbolism throughout felt a little heavy handed (red-paint being cleaned, red cans of soup in the supermarket etc.) but not distracting. Harrowing performances all round.

Sleeping Beauty
Creepy psycho-sexual drama starring Emily Browning as a girl that is paid to be drugged and 'played with' by man (they cannot have sex with her). I found this movie to be quite disturbing, with an air of dread about it. The whole concept makes my skin crawl and I suppose that is the point. It's difficult to figure out what message the film is trying to convey but I appreciate that it does not patronise the audience and allows us to fill in the gaps ourselves. Not for the faint of heart but an interesting watch.

A film in which the end of the world occurs that is ultimately about mental illness and depression. If Antichrist (which I love by the way) was Lars Von Trier exploring the extreme aspects of the subject, this is his 'realistic' take on it. I found this film to be both emotionally and visually overwhelming. Highly recommended.


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