The Human Centipede (Full Sequence)

So, it's been denied a rating by the BBFC.


So what?

What did you expect?

The director Tom Six (a wonderfully charming and witty Dutch gentleman) has been claiming (threatening?) that his vision for the Centi-Sequel would make his début effort look like My Little Pony. When you're trying to top a film that is known as one of the sickest of all time, where do you go? You go deeper, you go darker. You go to places that the BBFC don't like you to tread. They are claiming that the film is likely to "risk potential harm... even if confined to adults". That's right, there are theatrical images on a screen that when combined with sounds and music risk potential harm to you, an adult viewer. Is anyone swallowing this?

As a fan of horror, I'm all for keeping it out of the hands of children. So rate the film an 18, hell, rate it an R18. Make me go to a sex shop to buy it, under the counter in a brown paper bag if possible, I'd be well up for that. By refusing to allow even adults to view this piece all they are doing is painting a giant red bullseye on it with a flashing neon sign that says 'You know what all the cool kids are watching...?'. Who is that protecting? Because children certainly don't know how to download films off the internet. Oh wait, actually that's their primary hobby.

Didn't we go through all this last year with A Serbian Film? As far as I can recall, all the 'banning' of that movie managed to achieve was that EVERYBODY saw it, rather than just the niche horror audience for which it was intended.

Roll on FrightFest in August. I hope to run into Mr. Six and ask him what he thinks about all this.


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