What I've Been Watching 08-06-2012

The Hunger Games
I found this film to be painfully average. I don't see where all the praise for Jennifer Lawrence's performance is coming from, I thought she was wooden as woods she spends most of the film running around in. Couple that with shakey-cam action scenes and over the top melodrama and the result is a film you can skip.
Cabin In The Woods
Hilarious commentary on the state of horror cinema, reality TV and pop-culture in general with some great money-shots and witty dialogue from non-other that Joss Whedon who also directed...

The Avengers
Which was fantastic, masterfully combining four years on Marvel mythology into one film (with only a few plot holes) and providing the big-budget eye-candy you would expect.

Where the Wild Things Are 
I missed this the first time round, though I loved the trailers so I thought I'd catch up with it on DVD. I think the film is a great technical achievement and has a few moments of genuine emotion as you follow the story of a young boy growing up through his fantasies (that's my interpretation anyway) but ultimately the film falls a little flat.

Juan of the Dead
This film is pretty hilarious and a unique take on the zombie genre.

War of the Dead
Avoid this film unless (like me) you enjoy hilariously forced action-hero one liners. A good concept executed poorly.

The Last Broadcast
This film was surprisingly creepy up until the last 5 minutes where it all unraveled. Worth a watch as one of the first micro-budget successes, predating Blair Witch.

Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope
A fun documentary by Morgan Spurlock that thankfully doesn't feature him at all. Entertaining interviews with geek gods such as Kevin Smith and Joss Whedon (he's had a pretty good couple of months) and some engaging stories of people trying to break into the comic industry.

Fat Sick And Nearly Dead
The story of an overweight man who decides to lose weight by going on a 60 day juice fast. Some of the nutritional advice seems pretty dubious but it's certainly entertaining to watch.

The Dictator
I'll repeat what I said on Twitter: Don't bother with this movie unless you're a die-hard Sacha Baron-Cohen fan, watch Four Lions instead. More biting satire and less reliance on gross-out humour.

The Raid
It's about time we had a new Asian martial arts film come out and blow everyone's mind all over again. Reminded me of an ultra-violent version of a 70s Jackie Chan movie. Highly recommended.

I'm reading divided opinions on this one, but I loved it. Takes the Alien franchise back to it's roots in suspense filled body-horror wile at the same time hinting towards bigger themes about where we come from and our place in the universe.

Into the Abyss
Emotionally harrowing documentary that tells the story of a man on death row for a triple-homicide. The interviews with the victim's family are particularly hard to watch. Nothing revolutionary here, but a solid entry in the Herzog documentary cannon.

Top Tip:
Since you've already seen The Avengers I recommend seeking out The Raid. The story is simple but the action is great and unlike anything else you'll see this year.


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