Frightfest 2011 Roundup and Top 5

My Top 5 movies from Frightfest 2011, in no particular order:

TUCKER & DALE VS. EVIL: Brilliantly hilarious farce and deconstruction of the hillbilly horror subgenre. A definite #frightfest highlight

TROLL HUNTER: Great fun. 'Cloverfield' by way of 'The BFG'. Sadly missing fe-fi-fo-fum based punning. #frightfest

THE WOMAN: Most intense, challenging film of #frightfest so far.

DETENTION: Holy shit. Pure visual and aural adrenaline. Feel like I've witnessed the birth of a future cult classic. @JosephKahn #frightfest

KILL LIST: I *think* it was one of 'the best of the festival. Slightly impenetrable plot but funny and riveting nonetheless. #frightfest
 Below you can see reviews of the rest of the films I saw at the fest.

A LONELY PLACE TO DIE: A fitting end to action-thriller fest 2011. See you all next year! (or in the phoenix) #frightfest

INBRED: Insanely gory hillbilly horror comedy. Possibly a little mean-spirited but inventive. #frightfest

SENNENTUNTSCHI: CURSE OF THE ALPS: Highly enjoyable twist Swiss thriller. Had my theory shot down by the director however...#frightfest

A NIGHT IN THE WOODS: Above average found footage stuff. A bit unoriginal.

DEADHEADS: New take on zombie comedy. A bit meh. #frightfest

SAINT: I was expecting a serious, dark fairytale. It was more like Friday the 13th starring Father Christmas. Good but very silly. #frightfest

THE INNKEEPERS: Really creepy slow-burn ghost story set in a hotel. Well executed if that's your thing. A bit plodding for me. #frightfest

THE DIVIDE: Post apocalyptic underground dwellers exceeded my (admittedly low) expectations. Good gore & bonkers performances #frightfest

CHILLERAMA: Tries so hard to be a midnight movie with only partial success.

FRIGHT NIGHT: Perfect #Frightfest fare. Funny, scary and silly. Great performances from Tennant and Farrel. 3D ok.

PANIC BUTTON: Quite an enjoyable tech-horror, with some attempt at social commentary.'Saw' on a plane, in a good way.#frightfest

THE WICKER TREE: Too slow and silly to be scary, a disappointing followup to the wicker man.#frightfest

VILE: Absolute torture-porn lunacy. Made no sense but was a pretty fun midnight movie to mock. #frightfest

THE GLASS MAN: After a shaky start, goes to some interesting, intense places. Plus the odd laugh didn't go amiss. #frightfest

URBAN EXPLORERS: Despite lack of subtitles, quite an enjoyable stalk-n-slash in the vein of 'Wolf Creek'. Cool premise also. #frightfest

A HORRIBlE WAY TO DIE: Slow burn thriller (a bit too slow at times) pays off towards the end. Inventive dreamlike camerawork too #frightfest

ROGUE RIVER: Somewhat generic 'last house on the left' riff. Nothing much to see beyond Bill Mosley's performance. #frightfest

THEATRE BIZARRE: A mixed bag quality wise. Preferred the nuttier episodes over the serious ones. #frightfest

FINAL DESTINATION 5: Highly entertaining with tons of fan service and some fun use of 3D. A return to form. #frightfest

DONT BE AFRAID OF THE DARK: Like Gremlins but without any jokes. Main little kid very good, acted rings around Katie Holmes... #frightfest


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