What I've Been Watching 20-09-11

So apparently I watch a lot of movies.

Project Nim
Fascinating doc, ostensibly about a talking chimp, but secretly about human dynamics played out with stunning archive footage.

James Gunn's  foray into the superhero genre, having come from a horror background and it shows. The 'realistic' super hero subgenre is pretty much played out at this point but this film is so darkly comic and bizarre that it actually feels quite fresh. Ellen Paige is really annoying though.

The Guard
Hilarious take-down of the buddy cop genre. Great, sharp, dialogue and fun central performances.

The Inbetweeners
Pretty much an extended episode of the show. Just as puerile and cringe-worthy. Fans of the show will enjoy the crass misogyny but you should probably avoid it otherwise.

Red State
Interesting career turn from the normally comedy-focused Kevin Smith (of whom I am a fan). This film feels like Smith's attempt at a Tarantino movie with even more hyper-real dialogue than usual coupled with a very bloody affair as the central plot conceit. Great performances from Michael Parks and John Goodman and actually makes you think about the world we live in. Recommended.

Shark Night 3D
Gave this a chance since I am a newly converted fan of Sara Paxton. She does ok in this but it's really not worth your time. If you're craving aquatic horror; go with the self aware insanity of Piranha 3D instead.

What happened to you Adrien Brody? A fun concept executed poorly (man loses memory and is trapped in a car wreck). Very slow and feels padded at 90 minutes. Brody is good but can't quite turn lead into gold here.

The Greatest Movie Ever Sold
Morgan Spurlock's new one. Like his previous films, basically a fluff piece, this time about product placement. Makes you laugh and maybe shows you something you weren't previously conscious of but has no great thesis.

30 Minutes Or Less
Really fun tragicomedy where Jesse Eisenberg gets a bomb strapped to him and is forced to rob a bank. Hilarity ensues. I'm not a massive fan of Aziz Ansari, his style just rubs me a bit the wrong way but he works ok as a foil to Eisenberg's slightly dickish hero.

Slightly disappointing sequel to 'Laid to Rest', one of the better modern slashers. The kills are brilliantly constructed and wonderfully grizzly but the plot is somewhat incomprehensible and muddled.

Conan O'Brien Can't Stop
Occasionally hilarious (but only occasionally) doc following the comedy diva on his recent US tour. Footage of the performances themselves are a bit painful but the are nuggets of genius in the behind the scenes footage.

'till next time.


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